1st Meeting of ERC BlockchainGov Project
A two-day workshop introducing the ERC Research Project with sessions on PhD topics, legitimacy, policy outreach & theory
A two-day workshop introducing the ERC Research Project with sessions on PhD topics, legitimacy, policy outreach & theory
Mannan, M., Guest Lecture: “Role of Platform Cooperatives at the Base of the Pyramid” for the Online Course “Platform Cooperatives Now!” at The New School, New York City & Mondragon University, Spain (1 hour)
De Filippi, P., Mannan, M., “Platform Cooperative Working Group” at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University
De Filippi, P., Mannan, M., Research cluster on “Technological Change & Society” (EUI)
De Filippi, P., Mannan, M., Research sprint on “Alternative Data Futures: Cooperative Principles, Data Trusts, and the Digital Economy” at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society (October-December 2021) During the fall of 2021, The New School’s Platform Cooperativism Consortium and BKC ran a Research Sprint with a cohort of early-career researchers, cooperative leaders, and activists from 8 countries across 4
It is important to consider what use cases are well-suited to a country of the Global South that is reaching a new tier of development in the next decade.
Startups typically either go public or get acquired. But a more sustainable, accountable option would be to give the user base a stake.
Blockchain is both a cure and a new poison
The creation of a regulatory
sandbox can both build confidence in a particular financial service or product, as well as trust in the businesses and organisations that are responsible for its administration.
In recent years, we have witnessed growing interest at the intersection of two important phenomena: the rise of the sharing economy and long-standing interest in tackling pressing social and environmental issues at the base of the pyramid (BoP). While the sharing economy offers potential in tackling these issues, we argue on the basis of a growing body of research that its contemporary manifestations have largely failed to live up to their potential. We argue that an important reason for this is that research and practice have tended to focus on corporate forms of sharing platforms and have largely neglected their cooperative peers. In this chapter, we first distinguish corporate platforms from a nascent group of platform cooperatives before developing a typology of platform cooperatives in the BoP. This typology builds on early efforts to construct typologies of platform cooperatives in the Global North and thereby highlights various cases that show potential in overcoming the limitations of corporate platforms while offering important social and environmental benefits. Our typology helps identify areas for future applications and development of platform cooperativism and points to important areas of future research in both BoP contexts and beyond.
This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The BlockchainGov project has been funded by an European Research Council Grant.