Blockchain Gov Research Workshop | Legitimacy, Confidence and Trust in Blockchain Governance

European University Institute 9 Via della Badia dei Roccettini, 50014, Fiesole, Italy

This workshop is aimed at academics and practitioners interested in blockchain governance, with a focus on trust, confidence and legitimacy. (European University Institute) While interrelated, the concepts of trust, confidence and legitimacy are distinct. Trust speaks to a relationship wherein the trustor believes that the trustee will encapsulate their interests. Trust can also exist at […]


RMIT Melbourne, Australia

Web3 is a "decentralized online ecosystem based on blockchain” (Gavin Wood, 2014). Web3 governance broadly describes the rules and processes that are used for decision-making over platforms and applications that are ‘permissionless’ - meaning anyone with the required resources and capital can take part. Governance occurs through the software and infrastructure choices of node operators who […]