Smart Contracts & Legal Contracts
De Filippi, P., Guest Lecture: “Smart Contracts & Legal Contracts” at Fordham Law School (1 hour) as part of the “Securities” course, run by Donna Redel.
De Filippi, P., Guest Lecture: “Smart Contracts & Legal Contracts” at Fordham Law School (1 hour) as part of the “Securities” course, run by Donna Redel.
De Filippi, P., Module 3: Deep Dive Blockchain – Unit 0: The Economic Impact of Blockchain at DT2 Invest Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Online course sponsored by the European Commission, developed by France Digitale.
Mannan, M., Guest Lecture: “Role of Platform Cooperatives at the Base of the Pyramid” for the Online Course “Platform Cooperatives Now!” at The New School, New York City & Mondragon University, Spain (1 hour)
Mannan, M., Module “Legal Aspects of Media” — Master in Critical Media Studies at Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia (20 hours), May/June 2021. N.B. Lectures, among other things, covered governance of media industries by blockchain technologies.
De Filippi, P., Module “Blockchain and Legal Challenges” — Master in Financial Regulation at Externado University, Colombia (8 hours), 25-26 Feb 2021.
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This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The BlockchainGov project has been funded by an European Research Council Grant.